Committed to ensuring Japan's safety and peace of mind. Fulfi lling our construction equipment rental obligations.

Redevelopment of bridges and other infrastructure has become an urgent topic. This photograph shows Kanamoto's "Bridge Dragon" bridge inspection vehicle.

Repair and replacement of Japan's infrastructure is a pressing need

The momentum behind "disaster prevention measures" has increased since the Great East Japan Earthquake. The acute state of infrastructure throughout Japan was further thrown into sharp relief following an accident in which the ceiling of the Chuo Expressway's Sasago Tunnel collapsed suddenly in December 2012. To take just one example, it has been 50 years since the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway opened to traffic. Intervals that were completed 40 or more years ago now account for 30% of the network, producing a serious situation that is evident from the deterioration visible here and there of components such as bridge girders and piers. According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the proportion of infrastructure that has been in use for 50 years or longer since being constructed will climb rapidly in the future. Despite the fact superannuation is progressing and affects not only roads but a broad range of infrastructure including bridges, flood works and port quays as well, the rate of progress on countermeasures remains low, and the repair or replacement of infrastructure has become a pressing need.

Responding to the expected growth in infrastructure construction demand

Based on such current conditions, the present government has produced a Plan to Create a Strong Nation that includes thorough disaster prevention measures. Specifically the plan calls for investing a total of ¥200 trillion over ten years to build and maintain national projects, including the construction of social infrastructure and creation of nationwide high-speed transport links. The plan, which will be synchronized with the Great East Japan Earthquake restoration effort, is expected to become a stepping stone for overcoming Japan's unprecedented national crisis. The Kanamoto Group will work to maintain safety in Japan by continuing to focus its capabilities on infrastructure construction activities aimed at disaster prevention and mitigation, and by assisting maintenance works, including the transportation network, beginning with the more than 670,000 bridges located throughout Japan and the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway. Kanamoto is well positioned to respond to the demand for maintenance works, which is expected to grow in the future as well, with every company in the Kanamoto Group.