Aggressively developing and introducing new products and strengthening our areas of expertise. Enhancing Kanamoto's solution function through technological innovation.

Site using information-aided construction technique promoted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Information-aided construction contributes to worksite quality and production efficiency improvements

"Information-aided construction" forms the backbone of construction technology innovations being promoted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure Transport and Tourism (MLIT). This program aims to achieve production efficiency and quality control improvements through use of the information and communication technology (ICT) advocated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for construction works. The methods are already being applied at dams and other large-scale projects. MLIT is hoping firms will adopt advanced management using shared information obtained through operations such as works survey, design, construction and maintenance management, and has issued guidelines to make this technique the standard works procedure for roads, earthwork and similar engineering projects by fiscal 2012. The growth of information-aided construction works for national efforts such as earthquake disaster restoration, disaster prevention measures and the reconstruction of transportation infrastructure is anticipated in the Plan to Create a Strong Nation mentioned earlier as well. To address this trend, in February 2013 Kanamoto established a new Information-aided Construction Promotion Section within its Regional Special Procurement Sales Division, to strengthen marketing of information aided construction for all of the Group's companies. In addition to having a subsidiary within the group that possesses certain technical capabilities in information-aided construction, Kanamoto provides the latest information-aided construction-related devices and construction equipment in cooperation with Sooki Co., Ltd., a measuring instruments specialty firm. Kanamoto also is lending its full support to the introduction of information-aided construction by holding management seminars with trained specialists, for example, and assisting firms in all phases, from system adoption through operating startup. This is yet another way in which Kanamoto is demonstrating its "comprehensive capabilities."

Paving work (Tokyo International Airport (Haneda) Runway D)

Genuine technical capabilities that enable Kanamoto to support information aided construction

Unite Co., Ltd. possesses strengths in every aspect of road works, and boasts overwhelming name recognition and proven performance in the industry. The company strives proactively to upgrade its technical capabilities, and is putting its efforts into information-aided construction as well. Unite provides thorough personnel training, and has created an organization that can support information-aided construction even for the cutting machines, graders and finishers used for works such as road repairs.

Professionals in the foundation and ground improvement sector

KG Flowtechno Co., Ltd. is a leader in the area of foundation and ground improvement. By specializing in two techniques in particular - the TRD method (*1), a technology to continuously form in-ground walls of uniform thickness, and the MITS method (Note 2), a technique for improving soft ground by injecting solidification material - KG Flowtechno is helping to significantly shorten working time at construction sites and reduce costs.

*1 Trench cutting & Re-mixing Deep wall method
*2 Construction equipment used for the MITS method